class Gdk::DeviceTool


A physical tool associated to a Gdk::Device.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class GObject::Object

==(other : self) ==, bind_property(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags) : GObject::Binding bind_property, bind_property_full(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags, transform_to : GObject::Closure, transform_from : GObject::Closure) : GObject::Binding bind_property_full, data(key : String) : Pointer(Void) | Nil data, finalize finalize, freeze_notify : Nil freeze_notify, getv(names : Enumerable(String), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil getv, hash(hasher) hash, notify(property_name : String) : Nil notify, notify_by_pspec(pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Nil notify_by_pspec, notify_signal notify_signal, property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil property, qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void) | Nil qdata, ref_count : UInt32 ref_count, run_dispose : Nil run_dispose, set_data(key : String, data : Pointer(Void) | Nil) : Nil set_data, set_property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil set_property, steal_data(key : String) : Pointer(Void) | Nil steal_data, steal_qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void) | Nil steal_qdata, thaw_notify : Nil thaw_notify, to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) to_unsafe, watch_closure(closure : GObject::Closure) : Nil watch_closure

Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::Object

cast(obj : GObject::Object) : self cast, new(pointer : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer)
, newv(object_type : UInt64, parameters : Enumerable(GObject::Parameter)) : self newv

Class methods inherited from class GObject::Object

cast?(obj : GObject::Object) : self | Nil cast?, compat_control(what : UInt64, data : Pointer(Void) | Nil) : UInt64 compat_control, g_type : UInt64 g_type, interface_find_property(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface, property_name : String) : GObject::ParamSpec interface_find_property, interface_list_properties(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface) : Enumerable(GObject::ParamSpec) interface_list_properties

Macros inherited from class GObject::Object

previous_vfunc(*args) previous_vfunc, previous_vfunc!(*args) previous_vfunc!, signal(signature) signal

Constructor Detail

def #

Initialize a new DeviceTool.

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def*, axes : Gdk::AxisFlags | Nil = nil, hardware_id : UInt64 | Nil = nil, serial : UInt64 | Nil = nil, tool_type : Gdk::DeviceToolType | Nil = nil) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def axes : Gdk::AxisFlags #

Gets the axes of the tool.

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def axes=(value : Gdk::AxisFlags) : Gdk::AxisFlags #

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def hardware_id : UInt64 #

Gets the hardware ID of this tool, or 0 if it's not known.

When non-zero, the identificator is unique for the given tool model, meaning that two identical tools will share the same hardware_id, but will have different serial numbers (see Gdk::DeviceTool#serial).

This is a more concrete (and device specific) method to identify a Gdk::DeviceTool than Gdk::DeviceTool#tool_type, as a tablet may support multiple devices with the same Gdk::DeviceToolType, but different hardware identificators.

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def hardware_id=(value : UInt64) : UInt64 #

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def hash(hasher) #
Description copied from class Reference

See Object#hash(hasher)

def serial : UInt64 #

Gets the serial number of this tool.

This value can be used to identify a physical tool (eg. a tablet pen) across program executions.

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def serial=(value : UInt64) : UInt64 #

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def tool_type : Gdk::DeviceToolType #

Gets the Gdk::DeviceToolType of the tool.

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def tool_type=(value : Gdk::DeviceToolType) : Gdk::DeviceToolType #

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