class Gtk::CellRendererSpin
- Gtk::CellRendererSpin
- Gtk::CellRendererText
- Gtk::CellRenderer
- GObject::InitiallyUnowned
- GObject::Object
- Reference
- Object
Renders a spin button in a cell
renders text in a cell like Gtk::CellRendererText
which it is derived. But while Gtk::CellRendererText
offers a simple entry to
edit the text, Gtk::CellRendererSpin
offers a Gtk::SpinButton
widget. Of course,
that means that the text has to be parseable as a floating point number.
The range of the spinbutton is taken from the adjustment property of the
cell renderer, which can be set explicitly or mapped to a column in the
tree model, like all properties of cell renders. Gtk::CellRendererSpin
also has properties for the Gtk::CellRendererSpin:climb-rate
and the number
of Gtk::CellRendererSpin:digits
to display. Other Gtk::SpinButton
can be set in a handler for the Gtk::CellRenderer::editing-started
The Gtk::CellRendererSpin
cell renderer was added in GTK 2.10.
Defined in:
.new : self
Creates a new
. - .new(*, adjustment : Gtk::Adjustment | Nil = nil, align_set : Bool | Nil = nil, alignment : Pango::Alignment | Nil = nil, attributes : Pango::AttrList | Nil = nil, background : String | Nil = nil, background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, background_set : Bool | Nil = nil, cell_background : String | Nil = nil, cell_background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, cell_background_set : Bool | Nil = nil, climb_rate : Float64 | Nil = nil, digits : UInt32 | Nil = nil, editable : Bool | Nil = nil, editable_set : Bool | Nil = nil, editing : Bool | Nil = nil, ellipsize : Pango::EllipsizeMode | Nil = nil, ellipsize_set : Bool | Nil = nil, family : String | Nil = nil, family_set : Bool | Nil = nil, font : String | Nil = nil, font_desc : Pango::FontDescription | Nil = nil, foreground : String | Nil = nil, foreground_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, foreground_set : Bool | Nil = nil, height : Int32 | Nil = nil, is_expanded : Bool | Nil = nil, is_expander : Bool | Nil = nil, language : String | Nil = nil, language_set : Bool | Nil = nil, markup : String | Nil = nil, max_width_chars : Int32 | Nil = nil, mode : Gtk::CellRendererMode | Nil = nil, placeholder_text : String | Nil = nil, rise : Int32 | Nil = nil, rise_set : Bool | Nil = nil, scale : Float64 | Nil = nil, scale_set : Bool | Nil = nil, sensitive : Bool | Nil = nil, single_paragraph_mode : Bool | Nil = nil, size : Int32 | Nil = nil, size_points : Float64 | Nil = nil, size_set : Bool | Nil = nil, stretch : Pango::Stretch | Nil = nil, stretch_set : Bool | Nil = nil, strikethrough : Bool | Nil = nil, strikethrough_set : Bool | Nil = nil, style : Pango::Style | Nil = nil, style_set : Bool | Nil = nil, text : String | Nil = nil, underline : Pango::Underline | Nil = nil, underline_set : Bool | Nil = nil, variant : Pango::Variant | Nil = nil, variant_set : Bool | Nil = nil, visible : Bool | Nil = nil, weight : Int32 | Nil = nil, weight_set : Bool | Nil = nil, width : Int32 | Nil = nil, width_chars : Int32 | Nil = nil, wrap_mode : Pango::WrapMode | Nil = nil, wrap_width : Int32 | Nil = nil, xalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, xpad : UInt32 | Nil = nil, yalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, ypad : UInt32 | Nil = nil)
Class Method Summary
.g_type : UInt64
Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.
Instance Method Summary
#==(other : self)
if this reference is the same as other. - #adjustment : Gtk::Adjustment | Nil
- #adjustment=(value : Gtk::Adjustment | Nil) : Gtk::Adjustment | Nil
- #climb_rate : Float64
- #climb_rate=(value : Float64) : Float64
- #digits : UInt32
- #digits=(value : UInt32) : UInt32
Instance methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRendererText
==(other : self)
align_set=(value : Bool) : Bool
align_set? : Bool
alignment : Pango::Alignment
alignment=(value : Pango::Alignment) : Pango::Alignment
attributes : Pango::AttrList | Nil
attributes=(value : Pango::AttrList | Nil) : Pango::AttrList | Nil
background=(value : String) : Stringbackground=(value : Nil) : Nil background=, background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil background_rgba, background_rgba=(value : Gdk::RGBA | Nil) : Gdk::RGBA | Nil background_rgba=, background_set=(value : Bool) : Bool background_set=, background_set? : Bool background_set?, editable=(value : Bool) : Bool editable=, editable? : Bool editable?, editable_set=(value : Bool) : Bool editable_set=, editable_set? : Bool editable_set?, edited_signal edited_signal, ellipsize : Pango::EllipsizeMode ellipsize, ellipsize=(value : Pango::EllipsizeMode) : Pango::EllipsizeMode ellipsize=, ellipsize_set=(value : Bool) : Bool ellipsize_set=, ellipsize_set? : Bool ellipsize_set?, family : String family, family=(value : String) : String
family=(value : Nil) : Nil family=, family? : String | Nil family?, family_set=(value : Bool) : Bool family_set=, family_set? : Bool family_set?, fixed_height_from_font=(number_of_rows : Int32) : Nil fixed_height_from_font=, font : String font, font=(value : String) : String
font=(value : Nil) : Nil font=, font? : String | Nil font?, font_desc : Pango::FontDescription | Nil font_desc, font_desc=(value : Pango::FontDescription | Nil) : Pango::FontDescription | Nil font_desc=, foreground=(value : String) : String
foreground=(value : Nil) : Nil foreground=, foreground_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil foreground_rgba, foreground_rgba=(value : Gdk::RGBA | Nil) : Gdk::RGBA | Nil foreground_rgba=, foreground_set=(value : Bool) : Bool foreground_set=, foreground_set? : Bool foreground_set?, hash(hasher) hash, language : String language, language=(value : String) : String
language=(value : Nil) : Nil language=, language? : String | Nil language?, language_set=(value : Bool) : Bool language_set=, language_set? : Bool language_set?, markup=(value : String) : String
markup=(value : Nil) : Nil markup=, max_width_chars : Int32 max_width_chars, max_width_chars=(value : Int32) : Int32 max_width_chars=, placeholder_text : String placeholder_text, placeholder_text=(value : String) : String
placeholder_text=(value : Nil) : Nil placeholder_text=, placeholder_text? : String | Nil placeholder_text?, rise : Int32 rise, rise=(value : Int32) : Int32 rise=, rise_set=(value : Bool) : Bool rise_set=, rise_set? : Bool rise_set?, scale : Float64 scale, scale=(value : Float64) : Float64 scale=, scale_set=(value : Bool) : Bool scale_set=, scale_set? : Bool scale_set?, single_paragraph_mode=(value : Bool) : Bool single_paragraph_mode=, single_paragraph_mode? : Bool single_paragraph_mode?, size : Int32 size, size=(value : Int32) : Int32 size=, size_points : Float64 size_points, size_points=(value : Float64) : Float64 size_points=, size_set=(value : Bool) : Bool size_set=, size_set? : Bool size_set?, stretch : Pango::Stretch stretch, stretch=(value : Pango::Stretch) : Pango::Stretch stretch=, stretch_set=(value : Bool) : Bool stretch_set=, stretch_set? : Bool stretch_set?, strikethrough=(value : Bool) : Bool strikethrough=, strikethrough? : Bool strikethrough?, strikethrough_set=(value : Bool) : Bool strikethrough_set=, strikethrough_set? : Bool strikethrough_set?, style : Pango::Style style, style=(value : Pango::Style) : Pango::Style style=, style_set=(value : Bool) : Bool style_set=, style_set? : Bool style_set?, text : String text, text=(value : String) : String
text=(value : Nil) : Nil text=, text? : String | Nil text?, underline : Pango::Underline underline, underline=(value : Pango::Underline) : Pango::Underline underline=, underline_set=(value : Bool) : Bool underline_set=, underline_set? : Bool underline_set?, variant : Pango::Variant variant, variant=(value : Pango::Variant) : Pango::Variant variant=, variant_set=(value : Bool) : Bool variant_set=, variant_set? : Bool variant_set?, weight : Int32 weight, weight=(value : Int32) : Int32 weight=, weight_set=(value : Bool) : Bool weight_set=, weight_set? : Bool weight_set?, width_chars : Int32 width_chars, width_chars=(value : Int32) : Int32 width_chars=, wrap_mode : Pango::WrapMode wrap_mode, wrap_mode=(value : Pango::WrapMode) : Pango::WrapMode wrap_mode=, wrap_width : Int32 wrap_width, wrap_width=(value : Int32) : Int32 wrap_width=
Constructor methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRendererText
new : selfnew(*, align_set : Bool | Nil = nil, alignment : Pango::Alignment | Nil = nil, attributes : Pango::AttrList | Nil = nil, background : String | Nil = nil, background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, background_set : Bool | Nil = nil, cell_background : String | Nil = nil, cell_background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, cell_background_set : Bool | Nil = nil, editable : Bool | Nil = nil, editable_set : Bool | Nil = nil, editing : Bool | Nil = nil, ellipsize : Pango::EllipsizeMode | Nil = nil, ellipsize_set : Bool | Nil = nil, family : String | Nil = nil, family_set : Bool | Nil = nil, font : String | Nil = nil, font_desc : Pango::FontDescription | Nil = nil, foreground : String | Nil = nil, foreground_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, foreground_set : Bool | Nil = nil, height : Int32 | Nil = nil, is_expanded : Bool | Nil = nil, is_expander : Bool | Nil = nil, language : String | Nil = nil, language_set : Bool | Nil = nil, markup : String | Nil = nil, max_width_chars : Int32 | Nil = nil, mode : Gtk::CellRendererMode | Nil = nil, placeholder_text : String | Nil = nil, rise : Int32 | Nil = nil, rise_set : Bool | Nil = nil, scale : Float64 | Nil = nil, scale_set : Bool | Nil = nil, sensitive : Bool | Nil = nil, single_paragraph_mode : Bool | Nil = nil, size : Int32 | Nil = nil, size_points : Float64 | Nil = nil, size_set : Bool | Nil = nil, stretch : Pango::Stretch | Nil = nil, stretch_set : Bool | Nil = nil, strikethrough : Bool | Nil = nil, strikethrough_set : Bool | Nil = nil, style : Pango::Style | Nil = nil, style_set : Bool | Nil = nil, text : String | Nil = nil, underline : Pango::Underline | Nil = nil, underline_set : Bool | Nil = nil, variant : Pango::Variant | Nil = nil, variant_set : Bool | Nil = nil, visible : Bool | Nil = nil, weight : Int32 | Nil = nil, weight_set : Bool | Nil = nil, width : Int32 | Nil = nil, width_chars : Int32 | Nil = nil, wrap_mode : Pango::WrapMode | Nil = nil, wrap_width : Int32 | Nil = nil, xalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, xpad : UInt32 | Nil = nil, yalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, ypad : UInt32 | Nil = nil) new
Class methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRendererText
g_type : UInt64
Instance methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRenderer
==(other : self)
activate(event : Gdk::Event, widget : Gtk::Widget, path : String, background_area : Gdk::Rectangle, cell_area : Gdk::Rectangle, flags : Gtk::CellRendererState) : Bool
aligned_area(widget : Gtk::Widget, flags : Gtk::CellRendererState, cell_area : Gdk::Rectangle) : Gdk::Rectangle
alignment : Nil
cell_background=(value : String) : Stringcell_background=(value : Nil) : Nil cell_background=, cell_background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil cell_background_rgba, cell_background_rgba=(value : Gdk::RGBA | Nil) : Gdk::RGBA | Nil cell_background_rgba=, cell_background_set=(value : Bool) : Bool cell_background_set=, cell_background_set? : Bool cell_background_set?, editing? : Bool editing?, editing_canceled_signal editing_canceled_signal, editing_started_signal editing_started_signal, fixed_size : Nil fixed_size, hash(hasher) hash, height : Int32 height, height=(value : Int32) : Int32 height=, is_activatable : Bool is_activatable, is_expanded : Bool is_expanded, is_expanded=(is_expanded : Bool) : Nil is_expanded=, is_expanded? : Bool is_expanded?, is_expander : Bool is_expander, is_expander=(is_expander : Bool) : Nil is_expander=, is_expander? : Bool is_expander?, mode : Gtk::CellRendererMode mode, mode=(value : Gtk::CellRendererMode) : Gtk::CellRendererMode mode=, padding : Nil padding, preferred_height(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Nil preferred_height, preferred_height_for_width(widget : Gtk::Widget, width : Int32) : Nil preferred_height_for_width, preferred_size(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Gtk::Requisition preferred_size, preferred_width(widget : Gtk::Widget) : Nil preferred_width, preferred_width_for_height(widget : Gtk::Widget, height : Int32) : Nil preferred_width_for_height, request_mode : Gtk::SizeRequestMode request_mode, sensitive : Bool sensitive, sensitive=(sensitive : Bool) : Nil sensitive=, sensitive? : Bool sensitive?, set_alignment(xalign : Float32, yalign : Float32) : Nil set_alignment, set_fixed_size(width : Int32, height : Int32) : Nil set_fixed_size, set_padding(xpad : Int32, ypad : Int32) : Nil set_padding, snapshot(snapshot : Gtk::Snapshot, widget : Gtk::Widget, background_area : Gdk::Rectangle, cell_area : Gdk::Rectangle, flags : Gtk::CellRendererState) : Nil snapshot, start_editing(event : Gdk::Event | Nil, widget : Gtk::Widget, path : String, background_area : Gdk::Rectangle, cell_area : Gdk::Rectangle, flags : Gtk::CellRendererState) : Gtk::CellEditable | Nil start_editing, state(widget : Gtk::Widget | Nil, cell_state : Gtk::CellRendererState) : Gtk::StateFlags state, stop_editing(canceled : Bool) : Nil stop_editing, visible : Bool visible, visible=(visible : Bool) : Nil visible=, visible? : Bool visible?, width : Int32 width, width=(value : Int32) : Int32 width=, xalign : Float32 xalign, xalign=(value : Float32) : Float32 xalign=, xpad : UInt32 xpad, xpad=(value : UInt32) : UInt32 xpad=, yalign : Float32 yalign, yalign=(value : Float32) : Float32 yalign=, ypad : UInt32 ypad, ypad=(value : UInt32) : UInt32 ypad=
Constructor methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRenderer
newnew(*, cell_background : String | Nil = nil, cell_background_rgba : Gdk::RGBA | Nil = nil, cell_background_set : Bool | Nil = nil, editing : Bool | Nil = nil, height : Int32 | Nil = nil, is_expanded : Bool | Nil = nil, is_expander : Bool | Nil = nil, mode : Gtk::CellRendererMode | Nil = nil, sensitive : Bool | Nil = nil, visible : Bool | Nil = nil, width : Int32 | Nil = nil, xalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, xpad : UInt32 | Nil = nil, yalign : Float32 | Nil = nil, ypad : UInt32 | Nil = nil) new
Class methods inherited from class Gtk::CellRenderer
g_type : UInt64
Instance methods inherited from class GObject::InitiallyUnowned
==(other : self)
Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::InitiallyUnowned
Class methods inherited from class GObject::InitiallyUnowned
g_type : UInt64
Instance methods inherited from class GObject::Object
==(other : self)
bind_property(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags) : GObject::Binding
bind_property_full(source_property : String, target : GObject::Object, target_property : String, flags : GObject::BindingFlags, transform_to : GObject::Closure, transform_from : GObject::Closure) : GObject::Binding
data(key : String) : Pointer(Void) | Nil
freeze_notify : Nil
getv(names : Enumerable(String), values : Enumerable(_)) : Nil
notify(property_name : String) : Nil
notify_by_pspec(pspec : GObject::ParamSpec) : Nil
property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil
qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void) | Nil
ref_count : UInt32
run_dispose : Nil
set_data(key : String, data : Pointer(Void) | Nil) : Nil
set_property(property_name : String, value : _) : Nil
steal_data(key : String) : Pointer(Void) | Nil
steal_qdata(quark : UInt32) : Pointer(Void) | Nil
thaw_notify : Nil
to_unsafe : Pointer(Void)
watch_closure(closure : GObject::Closure) : Nil
Constructor methods inherited from class GObject::Object
cast(obj : GObject::Object) : self
new(pointer : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer)new new, newv(object_type : UInt64, parameters : Enumerable(GObject::Parameter)) : self newv
Class methods inherited from class GObject::Object
cast?(obj : GObject::Object) : self | Nil
compat_control(what : UInt64, data : Pointer(Void) | Nil) : UInt64
g_type : UInt64
interface_find_property(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface, property_name : String) : GObject::ParamSpec
interface_list_properties(g_iface : GObject::TypeInterface) : Enumerable(GObject::ParamSpec)
Macros inherited from class GObject::Object
Constructor Detail
Class Method Detail
Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.
Instance Method Detail
Returns true
if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?