enum Gtk::AccessibleState


The possible accessible states of a #Accessible.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Busy = 0_u32

A “busy” state. This state has boolean values

Checked = 1_u32

A “checked” state; indicates the current state of a #CheckButton. Value type: #AccessibleTristate

Disabled = 2_u32

A “disabled” state; corresponds to the Widget::sensitive property. It indicates a UI element that is perceivable, but not editable or operable. Value type: boolean

Expanded = 3_u32

An “expanded” state; corresponds to the Expander::expanded property. Value type: boolean or undefined

Hidden = 4_u32

A “hidden” state; corresponds to the Widget::visible property. You can use this state explicitly on UI elements that should not be exposed to an assistive technology. Value type: boolean See also: %GTK_ACCESSIBLE_STATE_DISABLED

Invalid = 5_u32

An “invalid” state; set when a widget is showing an error. Value type: #AccessibleInvalidState

Pressed = 6_u32

A “pressed” state; indicates the current state of a #ToggleButton. Value type: #AccessibleTristate enumeration

Selected = 7_u32

A “selected” state; set when a widget is selected. Value type: boolean or undefined

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

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Instance Method Detail

def busy? #

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def checked? #

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def disabled? #

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def expanded? #

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def hidden? #

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def invalid? #

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def pressed? #

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def selected? #

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