struct Gtk::TextBuffer::DeleteRangeSignal
- Gtk::TextBuffer::DeleteRangeSignal
- GObject::Signal
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Emitted to delete a range from a Gtk::TextBuffer
Note that if your handler runs before the default handler it must not invalidate the start and end iters (or has to revalidate them). The default signal handler revalidates the start and end iters to both point to the location where text was deleted. Handlers which run after the default handler (see g_signal_connect_after()) do not have access to the deleted text.
See also: Gtk::TextBuffer#delete
Defined in:
lib/gi-crystal/src/auto/gtk-4.0/text_buffer.crInstance Method Summary
- #connect(*, after : Bool = false, &block : Proc(Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil)) : GObject::SignalConnection
- #connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection
- #connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::TextBuffer, Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection
- #emit(start : Gtk::TextIter, end _end : Gtk::TextIter) : Nil
#name : String
The signal name
Instance methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal
[](detail : String) : self
name : String
Constructor methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal
new(source : GObject::Object, detail : Nil | String = nil)
Instance Method Detail
def connect(*, after : Bool = false, &block : Proc(Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil)) : GObject::SignalConnection
def connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection
def connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::TextBuffer, Gtk::TextIter, Gtk::TextIter, Nil), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection