struct Gtk::SpinButton::OutputSignal


Emitted to tweak the formatting of the value for display.

WARNING ⚠️ The following code is in c ⚠️

// show leading zeros
static gboolean
on_output (Gtk::SpinButton *spin,
           gpointer       data)
   Gtk::Adjustment *adjustment;
   char *text;
   int value;

   adjustment = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment (spin);
   value = (int)gtk_adjustment_get_value (adjustment);
   text = g_strdup_printf ("%02d", value);
   gtk_spin_button_set_text (spin, text):
   g_free (text);

   return TRUE;

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

[](detail : String) : self [], name : String name

Constructor methods inherited from struct GObject::Signal

new(source : GObject::Object, detail : Nil | String = nil) new

Instance Method Detail

def connect(*, after : Bool = false, &block : Proc(Bool)) : GObject::SignalConnection #

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def connect(handler : Proc(Bool), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

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def connect(handler : Proc(Gtk::SpinButton, Bool), *, after : Bool = false) : GObject::SignalConnection #

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def emit : Nil #

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def name : String #
Description copied from struct GObject::Signal

The signal name

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