enum Gdk::EventType


Specifies the type of the event.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Delete = 0_u32

the window manager has requested that the toplevel surface be hidden or destroyed, usually when the user clicks on a special icon in the title bar.

MotionNotify = 1_u32

the pointer (usually a mouse) has moved.

ButtonPress = 2_u32

a mouse button has been pressed.

ButtonRelease = 3_u32

a mouse button has been released.

KeyPress = 4_u32

a key has been pressed.

KeyRelease = 5_u32

a key has been released.

EnterNotify = 6_u32

the pointer has entered the surface.

LeaveNotify = 7_u32

the pointer has left the surface.

FocusChange = 8_u32

the keyboard focus has entered or left the surface.

ProximityIn = 9_u32

an input device has moved into contact with a sensing surface (e.g. a touchscreen or graphics tablet).

ProximityOut = 10_u32

an input device has moved out of contact with a sensing surface.

DragEnter = 11_u32

the mouse has entered the surface while a drag is in progress.

DragLeave = 12_u32

the mouse has left the surface while a drag is in progress.

DragMotion = 13_u32

the mouse has moved in the surface while a drag is in progress.

DropStart = 14_u32

a drop operation onto the surface has started.

Scroll = 15_u32

the scroll wheel was turned

GrabBroken = 16_u32

a pointer or keyboard grab was broken.

TouchBegin = 17_u32

A new touch event sequence has just started.

TouchUpdate = 18_u32

A touch event sequence has been updated.

TouchEnd = 19_u32

A touch event sequence has finished.

TouchCancel = 20_u32

A touch event sequence has been canceled.

TouchpadSwipe = 21_u32

A touchpad swipe gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field.

TouchpadPinch = 22_u32

A touchpad pinch gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field.

PadButtonPress = 23_u32

A tablet pad button press event.

PadButtonRelease = 24_u32

A tablet pad button release event.

PadRing = 25_u32

A tablet pad axis event from a "ring".

PadStrip = 26_u32

A tablet pad axis event from a "strip".

PadGroupMode = 27_u32

A tablet pad group mode change.

TouchpadHold = 28_u32

A touchpad hold gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field. Since: 4.6

EventLast = 29_u32

marks the end of the Gdk::EventType enumeration.

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Class Method Detail

def self.g_type : UInt64 #

Returns the type id (GType) registered in GLib type system.

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Instance Method Detail

def button_press? #

[View source]
def button_release? #

[View source]
def delete? #

[View source]
def drag_enter? #

[View source]
def drag_leave? #

[View source]
def drag_motion? #

[View source]
def drop_start? #

[View source]
def enter_notify? #

[View source]
def event_last? #

[View source]
def focus_change? #

[View source]
def grab_broken? #

[View source]
def key_press? #

[View source]
def key_release? #

[View source]
def leave_notify? #

[View source]
def motion_notify? #

[View source]
def pad_button_press? #

[View source]
def pad_button_release? #

[View source]
def pad_group_mode? #

[View source]
def pad_ring? #

[View source]
def pad_strip? #

[View source]
def proximity_in? #

[View source]
def proximity_out? #

[View source]
def scroll? #

[View source]
def touch_begin? #

[View source]
def touch_cancel? #

[View source]
def touch_end? #

[View source]
def touch_update? #

[View source]
def touchpad_hold? #

[View source]
def touchpad_pinch? #

[View source]
def touchpad_swipe? #

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